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Essay on psychology

Essay on psychology

essay on psychology

WebWar correlates with altered vision, suppressed emotions, and memories that will leave a lasting scar. The complexity of “telling a true war story” epitomizes the imagination [ ] WebPsychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Psychology influences many behaviors in the world without anyone noticing. Watson is interested in WebNow let us look at what constitutes a good essay in psychology. There are a number of important features. A Global Structure - structure the material in a way that allows for a

Psychology: Essay on Psychology | College Essays

The advantage of psychology is that it is able to occupy every component of our life. School, institute, work, family, relationships with people, personal experiences - every day we try to solve many problems, try to cope with difficult situations, and psychology helps us with this. Probably, essay on psychology, everyone in life should have an event that will still lead to the understanding that we just need to be psychologically prepared. Especially in our time, essay on psychology, people are greatly influenced by television and the Internet. In my understanding, essay on psychology, psychology is the science of the inner, essay on psychology, spiritual world of a person. This science studies the relationship of people with the environment, as well as the interaction of people among themselves.

In general, the process of studying human essay on psychology is very complicated, essay on psychology, since it is difficult to understand, the inner world of each person is unique and unique. Therefore, psychology plays a very important role in the life of any person. It helps to understand what internal personal motives motivate a person, determine his behavior and actions. In my own life, psychology plays an important role, essay on psychology I believe that everything that surrounds me will certainly affect my mind. Psychology helps me to study myself better, teaches me to understand people, how to effectively build interpersonal relationships and understand my professional self-determination, and most importantly, it allows me to solve difficulties in relationships with family essay on psychology and relatives.

From ancient times, the needs of public life have forced people to distinguish and take into account the peculiarities of the mental structure of people. Some psychological aspects have already been touched upon in the philosophical teachings of antiquity. The first ideas about the psyche were associated with animism - the essay on psychology ancient view that everything that exists in the world has a soul. The soul was understood as an entity independent of the body, controlling all living and non-living objects. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, essay on psychology, the human soul exists in connection with the body. It is the image and expiration of the world soul. Mental phenomena are subdivided by Plato into reason, courage will and lust motivation.

Plato gives the following list of feelings: anger, fear, essay on psychology, desire, sadness, love, jealousy, envy. The great philosopher Aristotle in his treatise "On the Soul" singled out psychology as a kind of field of knowledge and for the first time put forward the idea of the inseparability of soul and living body. Under the ecclesiastical influence of the Middle Ages, the idea that the soul is a divine, supernatural principle was established, and therefore the study of spiritual life should be subordinated to the tasks of theology.

Only the outer side of the soul, which is turned to the material world, essay on psychology, can be subjected to human judgment. The greatest sacraments of the soul are available only in religious mystical experience. In the Middle Ages, specific material was accumulated on the anatomical and physiological features of the organism as one of the foundations of the psyche. It is necessary to note the experience of Arab thinkers of the 9th - 11th centuries Avicenna and Averroes. In the 18th century, the German philosopher Wolf introduced the term "empirical psychology", the principle of which is to observe specific mental phenomena, their classification and the establishment of a verifiable, natural connection between them.

The English philosopher Locke considers the human soul as a passive but perceptible environment, comparing it to a blank slate on which nothing is written. Under the influence of sensory impressions, the human soul, waking up, is filled with simple ideas, begins to think, that is, to form complex ideas. The separation of psychology essay on psychology an independent science occurred in the 60s of the 19th century. Special research institutions were created with the introduction of an experiment to study mental phenomena. The first variant of experimental psychology as an independent scientific discipline was the physiological psychology of the German scientist Wundt. Wundt's successor is the American psychologist Titchener, the founder of structural psychology, essay on psychology.

It is based on the idea of elements of consciousness sensations, images, feelings and structural relationships. The structure, essay on psychology, according to Titchener, is revealed by the subject's observation of the acts of his own consciousness. At the beginning of the 20th century, a crisis situation arose in psychology: the method of introspection did not give noticeable results; it was not possible to clarify the specifics of mental reality, to solve the problem of the connection of mental phenomena with physiological ones, and a significant gap was found between psychological theory and the data of experimental work. Attempts to overcome this crisis have led to the formation of several influential schools areas in psychological science, essay on psychology.

The socio-psychological orientation personality - society has evolved throughout the history of professional social work in the 20th century. and led to the emergence of the psychosocial approach. This approach is usually associated with the names M. Richmond Mary Richmond and F. Hollis Florence Hollisand in the s. the psychoanalytic ideas of Freud had a great influence on its formation, then - the works of J. In studies devoted to the psychosocial approach, the need to understand the personality of the client in his relationship with the world that surrounds him is substantiated. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that social work and psychology are related sciences.

Knowledge of psychology helps essay on psychology social work specialist in his daily activities. No wonder the discipline "Psychology" is included in the state educational standard of a specialist in social work. At the beginning of the 20th century, social work essay on psychology the status of a new profession. Russian universities train specialists essay on psychology social work, whose activities are set by the needs of society. Social workers as professionals comprehend the essence of the life of an individual, a group of people, their changes under the influence of various economic, socio-psychological factors, essay on psychology. And they not only comprehend, but also solve practical problems of helping individuals groups, communities to successfully solve life problems, realize their interests and aspirations.

Activity is a way of existence and development of social reality, a manifestation of social activity, purposeful reflection and transformation of the surrounding world. She is characterized by consciousness goal-settingproductive and social character. Activities essay on psychology divided into practical and spiritual, which complement each other. Social work is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy socially guaranteed and personal interests and needs of various groups of the population, to create conditions conducive to the restoration or improvement of people's abilities for social functioning. The activity of a social essay on psychology cannot be carried out without the development of professionally significant personality traits, which are realized in professional activity, evaluated, essay on psychology, compensated, adapted and developed from the standpoint of activity.

The specificity of the functions of a social worker, as well as the vivid expression of the ethical aspect of this activity, essay on psychology an organic combination of personal and professional qualities. Thus, social work is a special type of expedient and purposeful activity. Its content and development is of a multi-subject, multifactorial nature, therefore, the role of unforeseen circumstances and side effects is great in it, a significant role is played by accidents, which can significantly deform the proposed means and the goals set.

The emergence of social work as a science and specific social activity was due to the exacerbation of social collisions essay on psychology the 19th century. in connection with the rapid development of capitalism in Western countries - industrialization and urbanization and as a result of a sharp increase in unemployment, crime, alcoholism, etc. Already initially, in the process of the formation and institutionalization of social work, it was clear that its organic component is the psychological activity of social workers and psychologists, psychosocial work with an individual and a group. Within the framework of social work, social individual psychotherapy arose, therefore, in the first period, social work was even reduced to socio-psychological essay on psychology. The direct methodological basis of essay on psychology psychological practice of social work is, undoubtedly, the fundamental general psychological teachings about the personality, its structure; typology and development, the theory of temperament and character, needs and motivation of behavior, essay on psychology, the concept of group psychology and communication, conflict and deviation.

However, essay on psychology, these psychological concepts and theories were formed and developed by their authors most often although not always quite consciouslyin turn, under the influence of certain philosophical and sociological teachings about the nature and essence of man, essay on psychology. It should be noted that many of the philosophical, anthropological and sociological ideas themselves are directly related to the behavior of the individual and may well be used in the practice of social work. Among the philosophical and sociological doctrines and ideas, concepts about the essence and nature of man, about the relationship between the social and the biological in man and his development, about the meaning of his life, about social action, about the interaction of the individual and society, and others, have the most methodological significance for the practice of social work.

Many approaches to social work are based on certain psychological views. Psychoanalysis formed the basis for the diagnostic theory of social work, which later determined the method of individual psychosocial work. In recent decades, the provisions of humanistic psychology have acquired particular importance for the strategy of social work the main ones are about the self-actualization of A. Maslow and the personal growth of K. Firstly, basically the essence, content and methods of social work are determined by the principle of humanism and, secondly, these provisions make it possible to understand a person as an integral personality in interaction with his environment.

Both social work and psychology are applied in nature, and the following areas are of particular importance for the practice of social work: 7. Modern psychology presents great opportunities for social work to use various ways of interacting with a client: psychodrama, music therapy, role play, etc. If, as a practice, social work arose earlier than the scientific period in psychology - approximately in the 70s. XIX century, the theoretical understanding of its results and the development of skills went under great influence and in parallel with the development of the theory of psychoanalysis until the end of the s, psychodynamic and ego-psychological approaches were dominant in individual social work, i. in work with one client, essay on psychology, not with a group; "social casework" and later the theory of social psychology, learning theory, stress theory and essay on psychology psychological concepts.

Thus, social work is inconceivable without knowledge of the basics of psychology. Among other social sciences, the connection between social work and psychology is the most significant. The theoretical foundations of psychology form the basis of social work with a client. The study of the social work client begins at the end of the 19th century. Class approaches to the personality of the needy are gradually giving way to natural-scientific approaches. Research in the field of psychiatry, essay on psychology, psychotherapy and personality psychology has had a serious impact on the development of methods, as well as on the scientific reflection of social work. Methods of psychoanalysis and humanistic psychotherapy are applied to the theory and practice of social work.

Schools and directions of social work in explaining essay on psychology actions of a person, his behavior, emotional reactions, etc. are based on the concepts and ideas of Z. Freud, K. Jung, K. Rogers, A. Maslow, E. Erickson and other psychologists and psychiatrists. Various approaches to personality psychology, developed by these and subsequent researchers, are reflected in the approaches to the phenomenon of the client of social work, determine one or another strategy of relationships with him, essay on psychology, and make it possible to form various interpretive tools for the problems and situations of clients.

Psychodynamic, humanistic and systemic psychological concepts have had a particular influence on the approach to the client in the theory and practice of social work. A social worker needs a certain level of psychological literacy to effectively fulfill his professional duties related to the organization and functioning of social services. If we proceed from the position that among the professional functions of social workers, the most important should be considered the provision of psychological support, the performance of intermediary functions through interaction with specific specialists psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, teachers, sociologists, lawyers, etc.

The need for a sufficiently high psychological competence is due to the fact that a social worker, first, essay on psychology, must constantly cooperate with professional psychologists, psychotherapists and find mutual understanding with them; secondly, to distinguish between those cases when a psychological or even psychiatric problem is hidden under the "mask" of a social problem and to refer the client to the appropriate specialist; third, to be able to provide primary social support to people in need of it; fourthly, constantly communicating with people burdened with psychological problems, he essay on psychology possess the principles of psychologically correct communication with them. In the practice of social work, one of the central places belongs to individual work with a client.

Often a social worker is faced with erroneous actions of people, their confusion, helplessness, painful perception of others, not essay on psychology in extreme, stressful, but also in ordinary situations. Often people who cannot solve their problems due to their physical condition elderly, lonely, sick, disabled people need the help of a social worker. As a rule, they also have peculiar tendencies in the sphere of the psyche: aggression, depression, autism, etc.

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Why I Study Psychology (10 Essays) | Lerna

essay on psychology

WebScience and psychology dominate how we approach children’s development, care and education as well as our general understanding of childhood. In this essay I will discuss WebNow let us look at what constitutes a good essay in psychology. There are a number of important features. A Global Structure - structure the material in a way that allows for a WebAs part of a national essay competition, current and future psychology students were asked to explain their study motivation. Each student describes in words or less (a)

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