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Essay on marketing management

Essay on marketing management

essay on marketing management

WebEssay on Marketing – ( Words) Marketing is a comprehensive term and it includes all resources and a set of activities necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and Web28/01/ · We will write a custom Essay on Marketing Management Concept Overview specifically for you for only $ $11/page certified writers online Learn More Weba) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm b) Marketing managers usually don 't get involved in production or distribution decisions c) Marketing

Essay On Marketing Management -

It relies heavily on the adaptation and coordination of project, price, promotion and place of achieving effective response, essay on marketing management. It is concerned with the direction of purposeful activities towards the attainments of marketing goals. Marketing is a specialised business function. In the early days, the selling function did not call for any specialised skills as the sales could have been affected on production-basis. But now the business environ­ment has undergone tremendous changes in social, economic, political and cultural aspects. The management of a firm, therefore, essay on marketing management, has to develop a particular organisation with essay on marketing management view to absorbing new ideas, new approaches and new market demands.

Marketing is a social function. It requires constant interaction with the various strata of society. It is instrumental in manipulating the factors of production, distribution, promotion and price, and also in influencing the patterns of consumption and consumer attitudes. Marketing is an integrative function. with a view to accomplishing the organisational objectives. It is said that change is the only basic law of economics. Marke­ting, which is the art of distributing the products and services among the various claimants, has also only one basic law, change. Marketing is a universal function. It has a universality in the sense that it can be applied to both profit-motive and non-profit motive organisations. A profit-seeking business unit is dependent on marketing.

The institutions like hospital, school, university, or political association also practice marketing in popularizing the services offered by them, essay on marketing management. Marketing is a management function like the management of other functions such as production, finance, personnel, etc. The business poli­cies, strategies and prograrrmes related to marketing are mostly of manage­rial functions. These are needed to be planned, organised, directed, coordi­nated, and controlled so as to achieve the marketing objectives. The first objective of marketing management is to create demand through various means. A conscious attempt is made to find out the preferences and tastes of the consumers, essay on marketing management. Goods and services are produced to satisfy the needs of the customers.

Demand is also created by informing the customers the utility of various goods and services. The marketing manager must study the demands of essay on marketing management before offering them any goods or services. Modern marketing is customer-oriented. It begins and ends with the customer. Marketing tries to essay on marketing management long-term goals of profitability, growth and stability through satisfying customers wants. All the basic activities of a business organisation like production, finance, marketing, etc. are co-ordinated to meet the wants of customers and to earn a reasonable profit.

The marketing function generates revenue for the business. Sufficient Profits must be earned as a result of sale of want-satisfying products. If the firm is not earning profits, it will not be able to survive in the market. Moreover, profits are also needed for the growth and diversification of the firm. Marketing stimulates economic growth and raises level of employment in the economy. Large-scale production with all its economies is ensured through continuous marketing of products. Marketing helps integrate various sectors of the economy. It also contributes to fuller utilisation of existing resources. Moreover, marketing also promotes development of entrepreneur and managerial class in the society.

Marketing aims at achieving, maintaining and raising standard of living of the community. It helps expand production and adds to variety of goods and services available for consumption by people. Goodwill, as we know, is nothing but profits enjoyed by firm or organisation due to its reputation. By selling goods at essay on marketing management rates and thus satisfying the consumers, the marketing functions help in building of goodwill, essay on marketing management. This in return increases sales and profits due to reliability and thus, circle goes on. Marketing management is one of the important operative functions of business. It is that functional area of business management which is concerned with the marketing of products and services.

It involves planning, organising, essay on marketing management, directing and controlling the activities relating to the marketing of goods and services to satisfy the needs of customers. It is the marketing concept in action. It includes all activities which are necessary to determine and satisfy the needs of consumers. Thus marketing research and product planning are integral parts of marketing management. Marketing management is goal directed. It attempts to satisfy the needs of customers by offering them want-satisfying products and generate profits for the business.

It determines the appropriate marketing mix of the firm. Product design, its promotion, its pricing and its distribution are synchronised so as to maximise the sales volume. Marketing management is that part of the business management which is concerned with marketing, i. leading and co-coordinating the various activities of the business firm in getting its goods and services to its customers. It can, thus, be descri­bed as a specialised function having a scope to regulate the level, timing and character of demand far the goods and services in order to accomplish the stated objectives of a business firm. Its scope extends to the marketing essay on marketing management and involves the planning, organising, staffing, motivating, co­ordinating and controlling the marketing factors to achieve the organisa­tional goals.

Accordingly, the scope of marketing management covers a cluster of activities like —. c organising and monitoring the stocks at optimum levels such that the customer demand is met without any difficulty and without allowing the investment in stock to cross predetermined limits; and. d organising and maintaining the effectiveness in the activities of sales promotion, advertisement, credit control and services after sales. The scope of marketing management, when viewed from the functional aspects, can be charted as below The present day business world has undergone rapid change and transformation, rather a metamorphosis, in the last few decades.

A business firm, basically a micro-unit, is not isolated from the world around it. In other words, a thorough understanding of the economic, social, cultural, essay on marketing management, and political environments in which a business firm operates has become a major priority for management. The marketing management of a business entity has to understand these environmental aspects. The future develop­ment of business firm in the background of these environmental factors largely depends on the importance and seriousness attached to the marketing functions. In a modern enterprise, the objective of the marketing department is not so much to find customers for goods and services produced by the firm as it is to find ways in which the resources of the firm can be used to meet the needs of the potential consumers and maximise profit.

Thus the marketing management may recommend that the existing products of the firm be removed from production because they are no longer profitable and that new products be added. Therefore, the marketing department or manage­ment plays a key role in determining the strategy essay on marketing management the firm in its quest to maximise profit. On the marketing side, economic variables along essay on marketing management personal tastes underlie the demand or sales forecast for a commodity. These are also the factors that determine price elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity of demand. In preparing a marketing strategy, it is the marketing management of a firm that must consider the structure of the market.

The chart below shows how the marketing management and operational management can essay on marketing management together to devise the market strategy for the firm that meets the objectives of both the consumers and business firms. Three sets of variables are shown — market structure, economic variables and technological variables, essay on marketing management. These are external to and beyond the control of the firm, but essay on marketing management the marketing management of a firm may seek to influence to its advantage through, research and promotional activities, essay on marketing management.

In view of what has been discussed above, we can state that the marke­ting activities are necessary and useful adjuncts to the survival and growth of a business enterprise. An effective and well planned marketing function is the life-blood of the organisation. To sum up, the marketing function is considered important on account of its following contributions:. All economic activities like production, distribution, and consum­ption essay on marketing management dependent on marketing. An efficient marketing system can keep the factors of production fully and profitably employed which is basic to the functioning of the economy.

An efficient marketing set-up increases the volume of sales and thus reduces the cost of distribution of products and services, essay on marketing management. A marketing function maintains a regular interaction with the existing and potential users and consumers to ascertain their needs. This way, it leads to production of socially useful goods and services. It is the marketing process that makes available to the customers the products and services of their choice at the reasonable prices. Through effective advertising and salesmanship, the marketing function serves to educate the people for better and newer uses of goods and for use of new products, and thereby delivers a standard of living to the customers.

It is the marketing function that creates an infra-structure of transportation, insurance, warehousing activities due to which employment opportunities increase. Organising of all marketing activities included in the marketing-mix, essay on marketing management. Marketing activities may be organised product-wise, area-wise or customer-wise according to specific requirements, essay on marketing management. We can also organise marketing activities on the basis of marketing functions. Assembling of necessary resources, such as marketing personnel, finance, and physical facilities, etc. to execute marketing campaign. Active participation in the product planning and development to establish best correlation between essay on marketing management product attributes and customer demands.

Effective communication, proper control and co-ordination of all marketing functions. i Organisation for Marketing :. The marketing department can be organised around the product to be sold if we have a line of products. It may be organised by function e. Functional organisation is desirable when we have one or a few closely related products. When we have a national market and regional marketing problems demand special attention, organisation by territory may be preferred.

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Essay on Marketing: Top 5 Essays on Marketing | Management

essay on marketing management

WebIntroduction To Marketing Management Marketing Essay. Marketing management is the act of choosing and targeting different markets and creating good relationships with them, Weba) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm b) Marketing managers usually don 't get involved in production or distribution decisions c) Marketing Web31/07/ · Marketing Management Persuasive Essay. Download. Burger King is a fast food outlet whose biggest chunk of customers comprises of young men. Hence while

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